The only characters whose race or ethnos I can remember are Robin bWednesbury/b who was black, Saul Dagenham, who was Jewish, and Y'ang-Yeovil and Bunny what's-his-name who were at least partly Han Chinese*. * After all these years I still remember the b....../b It was a piece explaining what bvacationing/b in space would be like, once that industry got off the ground. I recall it had an interesting bit on zero-g cooking. #367 ::: ajay ::: (view all by) ::: May 16, 2007, 05:59 AM: ...
From here I ventured into the Fatherless Barn estate - I could vaguely recall riding through on a 247 or 248, but this was my first proper look. The undulations were putting me off to begin with, but my mood improved after getting a ...
from London and was able, during school vacations to research at the Newspaper Library then at Colindale the working class newspapers, not only of Chartism, but of all subsequent working class movements which are the ...